
Business Operations

Business Operations are usually riddled with multiple levels of approval, proof checks and other manual processes. A business process heavy business can find it seemingly impossible to grow without investing more capital into these resources.

We are automation experts at SIFT. Our skillset in finding laborious manual tasks in your workflow and building smart automated solutions in their stead, makes us a class apart from the industry in Outsourced Business Processors,

Unlike other organizations, we invest our resources into building custom machine learning based BOTs which can learn required business process. Our practice involves small teams that use a high degree of automation, thus easily managed at a fraction of the cost.

Business Operations

SIFT’s Business Operations Automation has helped our customers in cutting down the total man hours used by manual tasks. Our automation scripts are able to communicate with each other seamlessly making an entire workflow automated. Our scripts are currently used on Factory floors, in Digital Products, in shipping and logistics as well as the HR industry.

If your BO’s are costing your organization a significant portion of their revenue, you should talk to our experts at SIFT

We would love to respond to your queries and help you succeed.

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